Monday 30 September 2013


Well tomorrow night is the start of the NHL season so here's my picks of who's going in, or out.
* = division winner, # = Top 3 draft, (wc) = wild card for my mid season prediction.

1. Pittsburgh*
2. Detroit*
3. Boston
4. Philly
5. Montreal
6. NY Rangers
7. Columbus
8. Toronto
9. Washington (wc)
10. NY Islanders (wc)
11. Buffalo
12. Carolina
13. Tampa Bay
14. Ottawa
15. New Jersey#
16. Florida#

1. Chicago*
2. L.A.*
3. St.Louis
4. Anaheim
5. Vancouver
6. Minnesota
7. Edmonton
8. San Jose
9. Winnipeg (wc)
10. Dallas (wc)
11. Phoenix
12. Nashville
13. Colorado
14. Calgary#

Well that's prediction, hopefully I get to do the mid season prediction later on this season.

Some of you people may know now, I joined the HCIHL fantasy league, my team is the London Sabreswords and made my own jersey set for my team.

HCI Feedback

Here's is my list of draft picks.
1. Evgeni Malkin C
2. Corey Perry RW 
3. Henrik Zetterberg C
4. Sergei Bobrovsky G
5. Craig Anderson G 
6. Ryan Suter D 
7. Taylor Hall LW 
8. Mike Green D
9. Carey Price G 
10. Andrei Markov D
11. Drew Doughty D 
12.  Evander Kane LW 
13. Dustin Brown LW 
14. Corey Crawford G 
15. Jarome Iginla RW 
16. Justin Schultz D 
17. Mark Streit D 
18. P.A. Parenteau RW 
19. Brad Richards C 
20. Tomas Plekanec C 
21. Pascal Dupuis RW 
22. Ryan Nugent-Hopkins C 
23. Brandon Saad LW 
24. Sam Gagner C 
25. Jaromir Jagr RW

Well hope you all enjoy tomorrow night for the 2013-2014 NHL Season opening, til then, later!

Friday 27 September 2013

Dallas Stars Concept version number 3

As we end this week with Dallas Stars concept version number 3. After seeing the Stars new look was O.K. But could have been better so I use my same template as my last 2 Stars set, using the team's now current colors, use the team's new main crest, and the team's alternate logo on the shoulder yoke, and add trims around the team's now current number font.
Here you go my Dallas Stars Concept week! hope you all enjoy it, til then later.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Dallas Stars concept version number 2

This is version number 2, pretty much the same but change the yokes, the number font is Kroftsmann, and that's it. Be here this Friday for the 3rd and final version of my Dallas Stars concept.

Monday 23 September 2013

Dallas Stars Concept Version number 1

Remember this Dallas Alternate concept? If so way before the Stars rebrand their look, I decide to make a white uniform to go along with the green uniform, the changes I made from my last concept was the Texas patch on the shoulder now instead of on the arm stripes, made the number font to standard block, and made the hem stripe more thicker. 
Well that's version number 1, be here this Wednesday for version number 2, til then later.

Friday 20 September 2013

The aftermath rant!

Howdy, everyone! Had a good summer? No. Oh well, how about a rant from me? O.K. sound good with me because I have been saving this post until the end of my IceHL concepts posts, so let's not waste time and let get this rant going.

London Knights new white jersey!
The London Knights (OHL) showed off their new white jersey that is really "White!" Not like that dumb cream, vintage, or whatever darker shade of white they got. The jersey got that old Knights 3rd to feel to it which I like, and the wordmark on the front may not be a likeable thing to everyone's mind, but it'll grow on them just like me, only thing is it grew on me about 25 seconds after looking at it for the first time. In fact last week I went to a Knights pre-season game and got myself that white jersey! Now the only thing left is fixing their green jersey, and everything is back to normal.

Soo Greyhounds new set (Why?)
As you see the picture above you guess it, another Jr team is pulling the "NHL," the greyhounds home and road are like the Detroit Red Wings from top to bottom, and the 3rd is a joke. After seeing this, I had to take a breath and calm my nerves, if I didn't, I would e-mail HJC and demand a higher score on my Soo Greyhounds concept. That's how ticked off I was after seeing this so-called new set, it's just another spit in the face on a team that once had a beautiful and modern collection.

Quebec Ramparts new set.
  From OHL to the QMJHL, the Quebec Ramparts showed off their new set that replaced "vintage white" with "true white" I like that idea, the jerseys are classic and smart, the only thing I don't like is the NJ Devils number fonts, and that's all. Overall: Good move Ramparts, good move!

"America, F%#& NOOOO!"
In 2010 the USA team had a good set, now they got this.  The dark jersey is O.K. but lacks the hem stripe, the white is the same, but man it's terrible, what's up with the fake tie collars? The stars on yokes are alright but if they made them white would be good, the main crest is okay, but it's one of those that suited for 3rds only, and the two gold medals inside the collars are the closest thing that is good on this set. Overall if you're a jersey collector take my advice, "Wait for Discounts!"

Russia's new set.
Well, these set I can say is the one is good, and the other is *sigh* O.K. but should not use when you're the "Host" of the 2014 Winter Olympic. The white jersey is bizarre, but traditional, if they would add the flag stripes on the arms and the hem, then it'll be a kind jersey. The dark jersey is pretty much clean, friendly of them of putting the flag stripe on the arms if they put them flag stripes on the hem, and get rid of the fake tie collar and it'll be worth of the reasonable price.

New "Wild White Jersey!" (no pun)
The Wild change their road jersey, and it looks good! I'm not going to lie, but it's classy and nice, but still, I'm going to miss the old ones that made themselves who they are. Hopefully, this one will grow on me and might be my 2nd wild jersey for me to add to my jersey collection.

The wait is over in the wrong way.
For the past, almost 10 years in my mind I have beef with the Sabres uniforms some good but doesn't get so much love to mostly awful uniforms and logos changes that gave them a bad name, and this horrible picture of the what this called the "3rd" jersey. I like the idea of a yellow 3rd jersey, but this is bad! I can't explain it, I have no words to say it, all I can do is this picture tells of my reaction to this.

 Well, that's my rant fix, and yes I didn't rant about Team Canada's new set I know, but I'll save that when they complete it with the white jersey and if the so-called "Black" jersey is real or not. Also, I'm going to Windsor on September 29th for an AHL preseason game! And I thought to go to the London Knights games was awesome, this one takes the cake. As for some concepts put together I'm still on slow mode, I had some ideas in my mind but not kicking in yet, until last week I made some more concepts put together, hopefully, post them up on this site, including concepts I entered in the HJC Open, and sending them to HJC, and other concept sites.
Until then. Later.

Saturday 14 September 2013

My IceHL concepts week 8: Boston Colonials

Well everyone this is it, I save the best for the last, the concept that got my first win, and for something to add more to this, this concept is my very first concept made and sent for the contest. So here it is my winning concept the Boston Colonials

Well that's 8 weeks of nothing but IceHL concepts, until then later.