Monday 31 December 2012

Barrie Colts Concepts

Barrie Colts what can I say, they're one of few teams that need to change their main crest in the worst way, I mean it drives me nuts, I mean I really don't care how they change their main crest if it looks like the Denver Broncos or a Pony from "My Little Pony", but however I only thing I like the team's look is their Secondary logo it's classic and fit the teams well, sure it's a horseshoe with the word "Colts" across it, but hey it works for the Indianapolis Colts surely it'll work for the Colts in Barrie... right? Let's find out with my Barrie Colts Concepts

On this one is pretty much simple with some twist to it, their current secondary logo is the main crest the "Barrie" wordmark is removed, recolored to match the jersey, Blue is the main colour followed by Red, Gold, and Silver (only on the main crest and shoulder patch), the arm stripe angled, two little stripes on the hem, different colours on the yoke including the trim around the yoke, the shoulder patch is made by me put two horseshoes together, add a hockey stick on it to make it look like the letter "B".

HJC Feedback

That's my concepts, this is my last set for 2012, man it been a roller coaster but sad to say that HJC is on a heist until the new year I guess that's for the best mainly after the whole Blogger spam B.S. thing, hopefully, one day the history of HJC can come back.

Hopefully, you all have a Happy New Year and a good 2013!

Just Maybe?
Just Enjoy!

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Syracuse Crunch Special Event Concept

With bunch of AHL teams doing special events I decide to make my own AHL special event concept, what better way to do it then with two things in my life "Hockey", and "Power Rangers", put them together and you'll get a special event concept. In case you all don't remember my "Hidden Treasure"posts that I made years ago around the same time during the 04-05 lockout I made Power Rangers theme hockey Jerseys, witch brings me to my rant about the Syracuse Crunch's new look, I had this idea stuck in my head for the longest time so I took a break from working on my OHL redesign concepts to do this idea and here it is my special event concept.

This concept is a Syracuse Crunch Special Event Power Rangers night the jersey is base on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers with the teams colors, the main crest is the same but change the visor from silver to black to fit the theme, and the team's affiliate logo (Tampa Bay Lightning) is on the hem belt. So yeah that's my concept, hopefully I'll sent this concept to other sites, so far I sent it to icethetics hopefully it'll get on their concept page maybe on "Freaky Friday".

Icethetics Feedback 
HJC Feedback

Well that's for today, as for my Christmas it went well I got my self a London Knights Home Jersey (Black color), and a iPod touch greatest give ever!

Saturday 22 December 2012

Belleville Bulls Concepts

Hi everyone how's everything going, having a good week? well I'm not having a good week with work, keep changing time shift on me, then came Hockey Jersey Concept being locked out by Blogger, but I'm not going there, and as always still going to my local hockey games to give myself a hockey fix because of this NHL lockout BS, well theirs always my concepts to post here that's a plus, for now on to the concept.
These Concepts I kept it simple made only 3 stripes on the hem, the wrist cuffs, socks, and V-neck those 3 stripes represent decades, over 30 years that this club been around, the main crest is their old crest they use since the beginning and they still use them for both their dark, and 3rd while their white jersey they got that cartoon bull, back to the concept the main crest is indeed the old bull just add trim around the crest and "Boom!" my Belleville Bulls concepts.

HJC Feedback

Here's my bonus Belleville Bulls concept
This a red version of the Bulls concept pretty much the same thing only red.

So that my concepts for the week as you can see my blogger page change to different colors well I decide to work on redesigning my page, I got to the point every time I look at my black page and then look at someone else page that is white i get dizzy so I'm working on it for now I just recolor the page to Christmas theme after that it'll be change to my colors and a new header (I'm still working on it) so hopefully I can finish it and leave it untouched, for now.
Just Maybe?
Just Enjoy!

Sunday 16 December 2012

London Knights Concepts (plus me blah blah rant)

Before we get to the concepts I going off the record and say I'm a Knights fan not a big Knights fan just a Knights fan, sadly I only watch the Knights games on TV and never went to their games, indeed a London Knights fan that only watch the games on TV instead of going to the Budweiser Gardens (formerly the John Labatt Centre). But however I do learn alot of history about the Knights very well from their early days as the London Nationals, to their very bad eggplant and teal stunt, to the current Hunter Bros era. But one thing that bothers me is that in 2002/03 season they got themselves all new look witch I like, the stripes on both the arms and hem fit the team so well and their main crest is awesome. Then came the change when not just the OHL but also the WHL, and the QMJHL change their uniforms to the Reebok edge system and when it comes to change some teams change from their jersey look, to the complete package change, that means not just the jerseys, but also the crests, and the colors too, the Knight's new look is O.K. and all but three things the bothers me big time. The 1st is their Main Crest is alright but compare to this Main Crest I felt a downgrade vibe going but that's my opinion, the 2nd is the colors, before the change, Now! I'm O.K. with Black and Dark Green, Beige a okay color could have use that color for Alternate Jersey only instead on both Home and Road, But Ochre that's where I draw the line right their, that color is a some what a bit darker color of Antique Gold, to me I felt like the Ochre it's some what a Orange(y) Gold color, I felt that they should keep the Antique Gold to my opinion. And finally the 3rd things that bothers the heck out of me, you see the team started the 2002-2003 season with Black as the main home color while the Kelly Green is Alternate, but when they use more Green in 2005 they won the OHL Championship witch lead to winning the Memorial Cup, 2012 same thing more Green, win the Title only different is they lost the Memorial Cup to Shawinigan. So in conclusion and I quote, "London Why U No Go And Stay Green?" Indeed I preferred the Knights using Green more then black, I made a London Knights concepts over a year ago and I believe I can top that and thus I believe I did.

On the Home and Road the Jerseys design is base on their 2002/03 to 2008/2009 Jerseys, I brought back the Knights old 2002/03 to 2008/2009 main crest and alternate logo because I find them more modern then their current one, made Dark Green as the teams main color follow by True Black, Antique Gold, and True White, and use Kroftsmann fonts on the nameplate, and numbers.
The Alternate Jersey I use the Knights current main crest recolored to Kelly Green, Antique Gold, Faint Black, and Beige, as old school colors, follow by Kroftsmann fonts on the nameplate while the numbers are standard block, and the jersey itself is pretty much classic modern.

And that's my new London Knights Concepts, hopefully I'll get the chance to send it soon as far as other concepts plan go, well I pretty much working on redesigning all of the OHL teams it's not a easy task but I will try, as for posting anything on this blogger well I'll take a little break this week and maybe next week, I got all of my Christmas shopping done it's the when I'm going to wrap them is another story. Also as you some resent Twitter post in titled "AJH HJA Classic Post" yeah I decide to tweet some of my old concepts all the to the last concept before I created my Twitter page. Until Then.

Just Maybe?
Just Enjoy!

HJC Feedback 
HCI Feedback

Friday 7 December 2012

My NHL Expansion concept Part 2: Quebec Voyageurs

Well today is another day and my 2nd part of my My NHL Expansion concept, today it's the Quebec Voyageurs.

My first draft
This one was a tough task, but pulled it off, this one was ready to go until I read some comments on the contest page that the "fleur de lis" is not allowed to be on the concepts witch brings to me my final draft.

 My official concept
 The changes I made is removing the "fleur de lis", change the color on the wrist cuffs, and change the trim colors on the arms and the hem on the road jersey and ta-da.

Well that's all for this week I really don't know if I got the time to post some more concepts next week, but I'm still working on some new concepts, so hopefully I'll get them done as soon as I can until then

Just Maybe?
Just Enjoy!

Thursday 6 December 2012

My NHL Expansion concept Part 1: Seattle Totems

Now before I get to my concepts I would like to give a big thanks to Steven G. for helping  me on my Twitter tab for this blogger of my, so it's back and it's under the menu tabs for now I'm glad to have it up and running again, Thank you Steven G.
Now on to the concepts!
Hockey Jersey Concepts had a NHL Expansion Contest going on it's now at the voting phase to see witch concepts is the best suited for 2 NHL Expansion teams, the Seattle Totems, and the Quebec Voyageurs, today I'm show you all the Seattle Totems concepts 1 that I entered for the contest, the other pretty much my 1st draft, so here we go.

My 1st draft
As you can see I made teal as the main color follow by black and some small amount of red, made some tweaks on the jersey once worn by the Ottawa Senators only made the arm patterns straight, even thou I like it but I felt this is not a winner to my cup a tea so.

My official concept
After seeing some others work I decide to change the look, I drop the black color, made red as the main color follow by teal, indeed the socks on the road jersey did not look the same as the stripes on the arms, only on the hem but I was determined to get this concept done and thus I did.

Well hope you enjoy my Seattle Totems Concepts be here tomorrow as I bring you the Quebec Voyageurs until then.
Just Maybe?
Just Enjoy!

Sunday 2 December 2012

AJH HJA Update

Hi everyone sorry for the lack of update I have been busy from work, to doing some concepts for the HJC's NHL expansion contest, and get alot of hockey news that wrapping around my head, that I didn't have the time to post some concepts and stuff, now I do so here we go.

My thoughts on the City of Glendale AZ approve of $350 million in taxpayer money, and 20 years lease deal so that Mr. Jamison can buy the team that worth $175 million in a market that just won't work in hockey at all and also you think that 20 years would be a good thing no it don't why? well lets look at it this way when you agreed to a 20 year lease thing you think that you draw people in but really you just push casual fans away and make them think "Oh my job of supporting this team is done" and that's that even winning the cup (witch that'll ever going to happened unless Bettman gives the leg up) you'll get what else "EMPTY SEATS FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS" so Mr. Jamison you sir and your buddies better know what you all getting yourself into hope you save alot of money because you got 20 years of HELL!

So that my rant I'm going too far on this post because I got to wake up early to do some Christmas shopping, I'll try get some concepts up maybe this week, I however made some changes now I remove the Other Concepts Artist page put all the other concepts artist links into my Links page, also once again Steven G. from SG-94 on my "Concept sites that I sent some of my concepts to" that means he accepting some concepts for his site, and lastly I got sick and tired of trying to fix my twitter box that was on the side of my site so I made a tab up above just click it and theirs my Twitter page.

Oh and one more I up dated my Kroftsmann font it's ready to go along with two more I did.

Kroftsmann font

 SF Piezolectric font

And for some that are Star Trek Fans the Final Frontier Old Style font

 These Fonts are from I just size it to the CCSLC template, and add trims, and so I will hopefully put these on the Template page when I get the chance for now I'm off to bed.

Just Maybe?
Just Enjoy!