Saturday 28 December 2013

Crazy concept in a good way, and an mess up concept in a bad way.

Hi everyone welcome back to AJH HJA, today we got an mess your mind concept in an good way to an just plain mess up. Let's get going!

Phoenix Coyotes Concept [by Ricky M.]
This one is Crazy! But in a good way. Purple as the main color really popped my eye followed by green, with white in between is an nice touch. Using the lizard logo on the front is O.K. with me, adding shoulder patches is an good move. The hem is freaky, the pattern is bizarrely neat. The down point is the numbers being sienna with sand trim. My suggestion is make the numbers sand with white trim, it may look unfitting but it help from making it close to some what blending with purple, and sienna.

Chicago Blackhawks Concept [by me]

This one of my "Look good in my mind but doesn't look good when complete" thing. the arms and the yoke got angle stripes, while the hem angled but stopped and went straight. Using the team's old logo did not help this concept at all, nor the shoulder patch. This was the not an good concept since my Tampa Bay Lightning concept.

Well that's today's post, until then I'm Alan, I'll get elbow to my head, so you don't have to.

Wednesday 25 December 2013

2013 Christmas Post!

Hey Everyone, I'm Alan, I'll get an elbow to my head, so you don't have to. It's Christmas! I got a Sabreswords special event jersey and a hockey jersey from! Let's get going.

London Sabreswords Special Event: Christmas Game

This jersey is base on my Montreal Olympiques IceHL set I made for the contest back from summer of this year. The logo was pretty much redesigned to make the Christmas theme happen, add two trees, a star on top of the blade, and add Christmas lights around the blade to top it off. Lastly the Colors of Christmas as finishing touches to this jersey.

North Pole Nicks Jersey

Up points: For a Christmas theme jersey, this one is well tamed. The logo is sharp and cool! The arms and hem stripes are Christmas sweater pattern, but not over the top.
Down point: The numbers and nameplate is a standard block that is plain, with the lack of trim around the numbers, and nameplate is a downer.
Overall: Good Christmas jersey, but needs trim around the numbers, and nameplate to give some life.
My Jersey Collection Rate: Buy it when it's on sale!

Well, that's today post and for the rest of the week!
Until then Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkahs, Happy Kwanza, Happy Decemberween, Happy whatever Holiday you're celebrating.  I'm Alan, I'll get an elbow to my head, so you don't have to.

Monday 16 December 2013

Fueled and Fired up!

Yo people hows a going? Have you all got your Christmas shopping done? I did! Enough talk about Christmas let's get on with the concepts, we have one from me, and one from Ricky.

Indy Fuel ECHL [by me]
This one was part of the HCI's first ever contest, and it has up, and down. Recycled my Soo Greyhounds template but gave it an IceHL template cut. The colors are red, gold, and black. The road helmet, and the pants are black to give this concept a little balance.

Calgary Flames 3rd concept [Ricky M.]
Using the Flame's current 3rd shoulder patch as the main logo is risky Ricky! [my apologize for that bad pun.] An black jersey with  big yellow stripes, and small red stripe on both arms, and hem. The down point is the yoke, it's good but it look too plain to me, if you add trim around the yoke then it would give me some eye popper. Lastly the numbers and nameplate should switch colors have yellow as the main color with red trim, and/or switch colors on the stripes. Overall: Could be a good 3rd, but got that random feel to it, not in a over the top way. Score: 8/10.

Well that's this week post, see you all next week. Til then, later.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Fishstick, Sabers all in one island!

Hi Everyone once again it's another post, that is scheduled witch it's a good thing because I'm working 10 hours this week at my workplace before Christmas, thou it last for two days last week because of running out of stuff to put together to worth an wild week, now I'm working 8 hours in mornings. Enough about my life story we got an alternate jersey made by me, and an concept set from an contributor named Ricky M. You might remember him writing for HJC, now writing for HCI on fridays, also he has his own website called Buffalo Nickel Graphics check it out. So let's get going.

New York Islanders Alternate concept [by me]
This was part of an HJC contest called "Make the Fishstick logo look good Competition." I use the wave stripes that was base on my Erie Otters concept, made it 4 stripes for "you know what the 4 stripes means by now," the logo was tricky to do, but pulled off nicely. The colors are blue, orange, navy blue, and white. What do you think?

HJC Feedback
DD60 Feedback 

Buffalo Sabres Concept [by Rick M.]
This one of thing I believe if the Sabres decide to change their look completely, this is it! The design on the home, and road is well made, the arm stripe is solid with a small and short trim made it look good, with the additional of 4 stripes on the hem is an good move. The alternate is different but creative. The front logos on all are indeed a good choice, and the fonts for the numbers, and nameplate is clever. The down point is on the home change the silver to white, it feels like it doesn't need to be that color, on the road not an fan of the white pants, and lastly get rid of the small front numbers off of the home, and the 3rd. Overall: Nice set could have the potential to be the best Sabres concept, just do those little things and this one is an winner. Score: 8.5/10

Well that's today post, as we are getting closer to Christmas, have you'll got your shopping done? I hopping my should be done too. Come back here next week for some more concepts by me and an contributor. Til then later.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Milwaukee Admirals Concept 2013

Weeks ago I made this for the HJC Admirals Contest, it's pretty much the same concept as my other ones from last year, but with some tweaks to it. On the white jersey I removed the colored yoke and kept it white. Both jerseys got their numbers and nameplates change to different fonts, the nameplate is standard block, while the numbers is the Dallas Stars current fonts.

Here's my alternate jersey that I didn't add to my set, it' same design only the main color is black.
HJC Feedback

Well that's today post, til then later.